Proverbs 15:2
The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, But the mouth of fools spouts folly.
The campers all sat in rapt attention as the speaker talked about God’s love and truth. Challenging the campers with the Word of God.
As I sat there observing this scene this verse came to mind. “The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable.” The young teens were mesmerized by the speaker who was revealing God’s truth through real life experience and situations. He related to them and helped them to realize that God cares about every detail of their lives. Those campers seemed very interested in the truth and knowledge of the Lord.
“But the mouth of fools spouts folly.” Many times these young teens give way in day to day life to believing what fools say. They trust the words of those with less life experience or TV programs that make fun of those who are really wise. They speak or act in ways that are not serious. They then follow in the footsteps of these people and find heartache and pain. They try the things that they talk about or make fun of but in the end they are made to look like the fool as they followed the folly of others.
The Bible has a lot more to say about being foolish and following the foolish. Don’t do it. Instead follow the wise. Listen to the truth, accept knowledge and learn from the Lord.
Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” You tend to become like those you spend time with. Be sure to choose your friends carefully.
Lord, help us to be wise. Help us to listen to those who are wise and accept knowledge from You. Help us to know who is wise and who is a fool. May we make wise choices in who we hang out with each day. Show us Your wisdom for today. In Jesus’ Name Amen.