2014, A YEAR OF GLEANING. That was what I prayed for back in December of 2013, as I was reflecting on the year past and the New Year to come. To glean – reap, gather, select, harvest, pick, and separate. I made a commitment at that time to glean as much as I could from God during this one year. Little did I know how God was going to teach me to glean from life every moment and truth, to spend time with Him to hear His still small voice. Here are a few of the many gleanings from 2014. May you be blessed as you enjoy my gleaning – to collect or gather facts by patient effort.
The year began with a plan to study God’s Word in more depth. The following books of the Bible were laid on my heart with discipleship a main theme. Titus, Acts, Proverbs, I Corinthians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, Hebrews, and Ephesians, these were the planned books to study. God allowed me the opportunity to study Titus, Acts, Proverbs, 1&2Peter, 1, 2, 3 John, Jude, 1&2 Timothy, Philemon. My study of Acts probably took the longest as I was gleaning so much about the church and the first missionary team. It was amazing to me to see how Paul had “disciples” who made up his team and would travel with him to different places. He would then leave some of them in different places to help lead and grow the church. One thing that stood out to me was that no one was ever left in his own home town. He was always left in someone else’s town.
Two of Paul’s disciples, Timothy and Titus, were both left to lead and establish churches. Both of these men have books named for them because they were Paul’s direct letters to them regarding what their mission was and encouragement from their mentor. Both books are rich with instructions on the operation of the church and how to handle different situations. They deal with issues that relate to both men and women, especially when it comes to mentoring or to disciple believers.
Throughout 2014 God took me on many adventures and helped me to see what He wanted me to glean. Here is a summary of things I gleaned from God.
I have gleaned deeper relationships with Friends from the past, and the present, even making new friends this year. Learning that friendships are important to help encourage and build each other up in the faith.
I have gleaned a deeper understanding of God’s Word and the opportunity to learn Greek. Digging into scripture has taught me so much more about God and His plan for my life.
I have gleaned a deeper dependence on God and His perfect timing for meeting my financial needs. God always provides at just the right moment. He knows what we need and when we need it. He just wants us to depend totally on Him and trust Him with every detail of our lives.
I have gleaned a deeper understanding of who I am in Christ, and what He has for me to do. As I have written in my journal over the last year God has shown me many things that He has done in my life over the years to prepare me for the next step. One of the best learning experiences over the year was to write my life vision statement. It helped me to see what it is that God has for me to do.
I have gleaned a deeper love relationship with my husband and creator God. Just as a love relationship grows with the time you spend and put into it so does ones relationship with the creator of the universe. I am so thankful that God is my husband and creator. He loves me more than any human ever could. I have deepened that love relationship by spending time with Him and crave to have more of those moments.
My prayer for you is that you will glean a deep relationship with the One who knows you best. Allow Him to touch your heart right where you are.
Father, You are good. You know us more intimately than we even know ourselves. You have a desire for us to grow in You and love You more. Help us to dive deep into Your Word and find Your true, deep love for us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.