Have you ever had one of those days, where everything seems to be going wrong? You wake up late. Rushing through your quiet time. Rushing to grab breakfast and get out the door. And then you knock your cup over and it breaks. Now you have a mess to clean up and you are already late. What’s next? Well, that happened to me one day. And God took that crazy day, and broken cup to teach me to Trust God with My Day.
I was opening my kitchen window while hurrying to get out the door for the day. I was in such a rush that I knocked my cup off the sill into the sink and it broke. I quickly picked up the cup and pieces planning to just throw them away. I took a closer look at the cup and decided I would keep the cup but throw the pieces away.
I needed that cup at that very moment. Not to drink out of but because of what it said. It was something God knew I was struggling with that day.
It said:
I Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
“Good morning, this is God. I will be handling all your problems today. I will not need your help —- so have a good day. I love you!”
At that moment, I heard God saying to my heart, “Slow down. It’s okay. Take a breath. Let me have your day. Let me have your frustrations and struggles. I know what I am doing. Just let me lead you. Will you trust me?”
That day I decided to give it all over to God and let Him handle not only that day but every day and every thing that came my way. It has been a challenge, but each day gets easier to release to Him. As I have released those things to Him, I have seen answers to prayers regarding so many different things in life. God continues to lead my days and my peace of mind is so much more than I ever thought possible.
That cup remains on my kitchen windowsill as a reminder that God has my day in His hands. I just need to let Him lead me through the day. So, when I start to get frustrated or wanting to do things on my own, I just look at that broken cup and remember, “God has my day. I can give Him my brokenness and He will take me His way to healing.” I can Trust God with My Day.
Lord, thank you for the daily reminder that You are there and want to take care of everything that is bothering me. Thank you for taking each of my days and worries and giving me peace beyond what I’ve ever known before. Thank you that I can Trust You with My Day.
Bless this day and all you have in store for me. Thank you for loving me. Amen.