As I walked past my garden compost pile, I noticed a vine starting to grow. It looked to be maybe some squash or pumpkins. I watched it grow all summer, as it made its way out of the compost pile and around the side of the garage. It grew and grew. Then there appeared many flowers. I thought “My, with that many flowers we should have a good harvest this fall.”
As the summer progressed I saw 2 small pumpkins developing. Then another, but that was all. A few weeks later I found another small one forming.
So, from the plethora of flowers we will enjoy only 3 or 4 pumpkins.
Many flowers with little fruit. It makes me think about life serving Christ. How many times do we agree to serve on that committee, teach the Sunday school class, help in the nursery, join the Bible study, or so many other good things to reach others and then find that we are too tired to really make a difference, to see fruit?
We’ve become too busy to make much of a difference.
When we spread ourselves too thin, we become tired and have no energy to put into the things that we have been doing. One by one they become a heavy burden and our attention to them less and less.
These good things start to have smaller fruit, no fruit, or spoiled fruit. In other words, we start to miss Bible study and don’t do the lesson. Our Sunday school lessons become boring as we teach. We start to have wrong thoughts that distract us from the truth of God and His love for those around us. They all become a burden.
God revealed to me, that I had been doing many wonderful things for Him and His Kingdom. They were important and others were benefiting, but at the same time I was becoming burned out as I was stretched to my limits. My fruit was starting to become stagnant and rot as I would lose my patience, become irritated, or distracted by so many other things.
After a time of break and refreshing, I am finding that my energy is increasing and I am able to focus on a couple of things that are starting to grow. I need to stay focused on God and His Word and only those things which He has called me to do, so that they can grow into a bountiful harvest for the Kingdom.
As I put my time and energy into the study of God’s Word and what He has for me, I am finding a new growth taking place in my heart and life. I can give more of myself to the things of the Lord and really enjoy doing them. They are no longer a burden but a joy.
I look forward to harvesting a fruit that is pleasing to the Lord and not to myself. A bountiful, full, good fruit. So may I not have many flowers and little fruit.
Galatians 6:7-9
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Lord, may I look to You to help me to say yes to the things that You would have me to do. May I not become so busy that the fruit of my labor becomes rotten or fall by the way side. May I look to You for strength for each new day and trust You to lead me along the way. May I produce fruit that is pleasing to You. In Jesus’ Name Amen.